Syberpay balance Top-Up
The wallet is fed from your bank application with the following steps: Open your bank application and select *Transfer from account to account- (The number is in the application, the option to recharge the balance) Enter the cyber account number - Enter the amount you want to feed to the wallet and then continue - Copy the transaction number from your bank application (from the transfer note)- Open Syber and choose to recharge balance- Enter transaction number EnterFew readersSyberpay wallet
It is a Syber wallet that allows you to use the application services without the need to use or add a bank card after feeding it through your bank application or using a Syber voucher to rechargeFew readersCreate Syberpay balance
Choose to create a cyber wallet- Enter your phone number - Enter the 4-digit code (you will receive it in a text message or a notification inside the application To activate the card, choose Generate a secret number and enter the phone number. You will receive a confirmation number in the application notifications, then enter your 4-digit code and confirm it again.Few readers